God, Hypnosis, and Meditation by Austin Ray
God, Hypnosis, and Meditation by Austin Ray, lay leader is Eileen Ryan
God, Hypnosis, and Meditation by Austin Ray, lay leader is Eileen Ryan
The Principal's Office by Eli Vega, lay leader TBA
Requiem for the 1960s by David Rose, lay leader TBA.
Eileen Ryan, lay leader TBA
John Nino will speak on The Five Jagged Rocks and be his own lay leader.
Casey Chandler will hold our annual Christmas Carol celebration and will be her own lay leader.
Ann Hair will present "Keeping the Flame: Then, Now and Always" and will be her own lay leader
Pat Farnan will present the Christmas program.
John Nino will hold our Congregational Meeting and be his own lay leader. There will be a potluck following with the theme of "Happy New Year!" Traditional dishes might be black-eyed peas, cooked greens, cornbread, fish, or any other thing that would go along with those dishes. It could be something traditional in your family.