Aug 7, Tiffany Gonzales, Member, will lead the annual poetry service.

Please join us this Sunday, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs, for our annual poetry service.  Member, Tiffany Gonzales will lead the service which will be dedicated to the memory of our own Pat Jobin, who led our poetry service for many years.  Tiffany explains, “I’ll be briefly discussing the role poetry plays in our lives and invite anyone who chooses to share a poem or two that has specific meaning for them: whether it be written by someone else or one they wrote themselves. It may be something related to their spirituality (or lack of), humorous, an expression of grief or anything else. They may stand at the mic or read from their seat. They may also wish to share how they feel poetry is or isn’t relevant to their lives.”
We also invite anyone who wishes to share thoughts about Pat during this service.  The service is at 10:30am; please gather with us for a social time at 10:00am.
There will be a class for children, so please bring the family.
We hope to see you there.