Jul 10 Jay and Valerie Lee, guest speakers, Will talk about the trials and triumphs of growing for the local market


The peak of summer is the perfect time to consider our involvement in the food system and the moral consequences of our food choices. We will do that this year with a visit from local farmers many of us have met at the Hot Springs Historic Farmers’ Market.

Farmers Jay and Valerie Lee, owners of JV Farms, will talk about the trials and triumphs of growing for the local market at 10:30 a.m. Jay and Valerie use sustainable practices to grow seasonal crops, pasture raised chickens, free range eggs, grass/woodland raised hogs, and pasture-based raw milk from jersey cows. Mobile chicken houses and pastured livestock to help enrich the soil for row crops and grass. They mix their own grain rations that supplement the grass the animals graze. All chickens are processes on the farm and all pigs, lambs, goats, and beef are processed in Hot Springs under USDA inspection. Jay and Valerie are the fith generation to homestead/farm this land that has been in the family for well over 150 YEARS.

J and V

After the service we will have our fabulous annual LOCAVORE POTLUCK. Bring a dish made with food grown or raised locally. Every year people say it’s our best potluck – and we have great potlucks all the time.

UU Church Of Hot Springs, 100 Norwalk, corner of Spring St. and Norwalk. Coffee 10:00, Program 10:30, potluck at noon.

We hope to see you there.