May 22, Rev Dr Bud Hearn, Guest Speaker, will speak on “Vignettes From An Old Coffee Can”

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs, 100 Norwalk St., welcome you to hear Rev Bud Hearn, speak on, Vignettes From An Old Coffee Can. It is amazing what an empty old coffee can can hold. Memories past. Epiphanies. Hopes – realized and unrealized. Ideas to come back to for further reflection.”  In Sunday’s message Rev Bud Hearn shares insights both personal and theological that he has retrieved from an old coffee can..

Refreshments and a time to meet and greet will convene at 10:00am,  followed by the service at 10:30. There is a class for children during the service, so bring the whole family.

There is no 9:00am activity this Sunday.

Please join us, we would love to have you with us.