This Sunday at 10:30am, come and hear a special service by our dear friend and part time minister Rev. Bud Hearn.

He will speak on, “Christmas Voice Prints: As we hear the commercial voices telling us that Black Friday has been moved up a month and to shop early to get that one more thing among a closet full of one more things stored there … Might we open wide our spirit’s longing and imagine at the start of each new day’s odyssey a world that spins its thread of mercy with hope-filled confidence and hear an unobtrusive voice saying, peace.”
Alan Clark will be the lay leader and Rebecca Ricks at the piano.
The Wisdom Seekers invite you to join them for the conclusion of “The Shack” book discussion at 9:00am, followed by socializing at 10:00.
We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you this Sunday!