May 17, Rev Dr Bud Hearn, guest speaker, “The Lady With A Lamp: Mystic, Visionary, Healer”

Sunday, May 17th, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs presents guest Rev. Dr. Bud Hearn. Rev. Hearn’s program is called “The Lady With A Lamp: Mystic, Visionary, Healer”.  Florence Nightingale laid a foundation whereby all women could find dignity and purpose. A deeply spiritual person, she had a special “calling” based on her reflection about God, whose spirit was within all humans, and her experience of oppression inflicted by the elite. She described her calling as fulfilling a “savior” role who brought “natural” faith to the poor. Good medical care, administrative reform, and educational opportunity were the benchmarks of her reform. It is also worthy to note her theology is oft described as radical. Carol Stanfill, lay leader, and Rebecca Ricks, pianist.

Program at 10:30, but come early for social time at 10:00 and Adult Religious Experience (RE) at 9:30.