Apr 26, Annie Showalter, guest speaker, “Giraffe Ears: Listening from the Heart.”

This Sunday, April 26 the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs will hear Annie Showalter present a program entitled, “Giraffe Ears: Listening from the Heart.” A giraffe’s heart weighs up to 26 pounds and it leans its head and ears in toward others. Giraffe ears can also hear inside. When we have taken time to listen to ourselves, to own heart, we are much more likely to be a able to be present and listen to others.

Annie Showalter has been practicing compassionate communication and studying through the Nonviolent Communication Academy for eight years, completing 25 full days in workshops with certified NVC trainers. She is a member of the Hot Springs Compassionate Communication Circle, a massage therapist, and a yoga instructor for the YMCA. She is also a loving mother to five children.

The service will start at 10:30 AM.

Wisdom Seekers will meet this Sunday at 9:00 AM . We will be discussing Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior by Leonard Mlodinow. We will take up our discussion about half-way through Ch. 3, “Remembering and Forgetting.”