Jan 25, Kelly Owen, Friend, “Moving Forward With Mental Illness”

Kelly will address her own life and how she is moving forward, as well as the ways that we can, as a community, act to help those suffering from mental illness. She will tell her own story, and share some research on the state of mental illness medical research, policy development, and grass roots efforts to create change in our community and the country in general.

Kelly says, “I would really like it to be interactive. I have timed what I have thus far and I don’t expect that it should last more than 15 minutes. I would like to give other members of the congregation a chance to briefly describe their experience of mental illness, in themselves or a family member or friend. If there is extra time, I would also be willing to answer any questions people have for me about my experience of the quality and quantity of medical care and treatment options that are available. ”

Music: Rebecca Ricks

Lay leader: Carol Stanfill

The service will start at 10:30 AM.

The Wisdom Seekers Book Group meet at 9:00 am for an engaging discussion on Mary Oliver’s book of poetry, “Blue Horses“.   So come early and stay for coffee and refreshments at 10:00 before the service.  All are welcome.