The Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs, 100 Norwalk St., invite you to begin the New Year with us, as guest speaker, Betty Johann, at 10:30am.

Betty was born in Texarkana, AR. She grew up in Shreveport, LA, and in 2003, moved to Hot Springs from Pagosa Springs, CO. Her career included coordinating advertising for statewide political campaigns in Louisiana from governor to parish offices, The Independence Bowl, Washington Mardi Gras, an international water ski championship, an amusement park, and many businesses. She also owned a real estate agency in CO before moving here.
Many know Betty as “The Hot Springs Springs Hat Lady” and for the luncheons she has where she performs as various characters. Her great joy is opening her home and her heart for many rescued dogs and cats. It is a zoo, but she loves it! An artist, calligrapher and wanna-be writer, she thrives on anything creative.
The Religious Exploration group meets at 9:00am and would love to have you join them as they explore “Spirituality.” Come and share what it means to you on your life journey. Refreshments are at 10:00am where we take a few minutes to meet and greet each other and new comers.
We hope to see you this Sunday.