Please come and hear Dr. Rev. Bud Hearn speak on, “And It Came To Pass.”
Rev. Hearn explains, “In a dysfunctional world there comes a moment in which to replenish our soul map. And, if we peel away the glitter and extended budgets and step back looking at life surrounding, we can find such a moment at Christmas.”
In Sunday’s service, Rev Bud Hearn offers thoughts as to what can be found when Christmas is celebrated with a passion for the possible.
You may also decide to join the Religious Exploration group at 9:00am, as they continue the viewing and discussion of the DVD series, “American Freethought.”. It is always a stimulating and interesting discussion.
Jane Hufstedler is the Lay Leader, and Rebecca Ricks will accompany the Birds of a Feather choir, in the singing.
Come early for coffee and snacks at 10:00 AM.
All are welcome, and as a “welcoming congregation,” you will be made comfortable no matter what your beliefs, personal attributes or sexual orientation. We hope to see you this Sunday.