This Sunday the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs, 100 Norwalk Street, are delighted to have back with us our friend and excellent speaker, Rev. Dr. Bud Hearn. Topic: “How About Cause For Thanksgiving When …”

We celebrate special events in our lives for a number of reasons, each containing a brimful of opportunity. Such events constitute our soul map. With a national day of Thanksgiving soon to be upon us, given the life-world in which we live, a world in which there never seems to be enough duct tape to hold things together, what might we say on a national day of Thanksgiving? With this in mind Rev. Hearn’s message on Sunday asks: “How About Cause For Thanksgiving When …!”
Rebecca Ricks will be on piano, and Geary Hufstedler is the service Planner and Lay Leader.
We hope you will be with us at 10:30am for the service, and come early at 9:00am to join the DVD and discussion of American Freethought, facilitated by our President Oliver Driver. Then share in a “meet and greet” at 10:00am, with hot coffee, tea, snacks and lots of warm smiling faces.
We hope to see you. All are welcome!