Please come and hear Rev. Dr. Bud Hearn speak on, “When Paradigms Fail,” at 10:30am this Sunday, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs.

Rev. Hearn explains, “We operate in a constellation of basic agreements called paradigms. Such are not unalterable descriptions of reality, as they reflect a particular time in understanding the culture in which we live. A paradigm works so long as it works via a process of emergence and continuance. As such, paradigms are not fixed and absolute for all time.” In Sunday’s message Rev. Bud Hearn reflects on the role of paradigms in religion.
You may also decide to join the Wisdom Seekers book group at 9:00am, as they continue the discussion of “First Light: The Search for the Edge of the Universe,” by Richard Preston. It is always a stimulating and interesting discussion.
As a “welcoming congregation,” you will be made comfortable no matter what your beliefs, personal attributes or sexual orientation. We hope to see you this Sunday.