Please join us at 10:30a, this Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist
Church of Hot Springs, 100 Norwalk St, to hear Dr. Allan Ward, speak on
“The Rhubarb Club, or The Universal Human Need for Social Interaction”.
How, and why, a chance suggestion of rhubarb pie for new menu items
led to a lively and active social club.

Dr. Ward is Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and received his PhD from Ohio University. He is a consultant with groups in the commercial, governmental, educational, health-care, nonprofit and religious sectors, and serves on numerous boards and coordinating positions in a variety of community activities. He is a popular speaker and has addressed organizations in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.
Dr. Ward is the author of several books that reflect his diverse interest in human behavior and the postmodern perspective. His most recent book is “Civil Rights Brothers: The Journey of Albert Porter and Allen Ward.” In the book, Dr. Ward focuses on his relationship with longtime friend and colleague Albert Porter and the impact of their friendship during the civil rights era.
The Wisdom Seekers book group meet at 9:00 am for coffee and to begin the discussion of Richard Preston’s “First Light – The Search for the Edge of the Universe”, followed at 10:00 am by refreshments.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs, is a welcoming congregation and we welcome you to join us for these Sunday activities.