Sunday, November 3, 30 Days of Gratitude, Denise Marion, lay leader


The Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Spring will begin a season – and perhaps a lifelong habit – of thankfulness this Sunday, November 3rd, with a program by member Denise Marion, “30 Days of Gratitude.” Four hundred years ago a group of refugees on a cold rocky shore did not need research to understand the benefits of gratitude. Today, however, a large body of research confirms that habitual expressions of thankfulness, appreciation and indebtedness enrich our lives in many ways: improving mental, emotional and physical health, as well as deepening relationships and achieving career goals.

On Sunday UU members, friends and guests will co-discover a world of events, emotions, people and things both tangible and intangible for which to be grateful. Join us at 10:30 on November 3 for interactive and heart-swelling expressions of thanks, and begin your own habit of living in gratitude.

Denise Marion is a long-time Unitarian Universalist and member of the Hot Springs UU congregation. Her career was in academia, teaching Geography in a number of colleges in the U.S. She moved to Hot Springs from Oxford, MS in 2003 with her husband, Daniel, who is a Research Hydrologist with the U.S. Forest Service. She is currently Chair of the Hot Springs Garland County Beautification Commission, is a Co-manager of the Spa City Co-op, tutors for the Garland County Literacy Council, co-facilitates a monthly introduction to compassionate communication, and she facilitates drum jams. She has written a daily gratitude every day since December 3, 2011.