Bud Hearn looks at “Taking Your Ethical Blood Pressure.”
This Sunday the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs, 100 Norwalk St, welcome back Rev. Dr. Bud Hearn, who will speak on “Taking Your Ethical Blood Pressure.” He explains, “Is the ethical life like playing from a fixed text, or it is close to the improvisation of jazz? The genius of improvisation seems to be a better metaphor for the human ethical response than struggling to apply a single text to every situation. However, for ethical systems to work they must be given authority. But who adjudicates.”
Rev. Dr. Bud Hearn is a retired Presbyterian Minister. Ministry was a second career after thirteen years in public secondary education as a teacher and administrator. Bud chaired and taught in the School of Religion, University of Wyoming; and served as part time staff at the Theological Seminary, University of Dubuque, IA. He currently teaches progressive religious studies classes in Hot Springs Village sponsored by the UUV Church. Bud holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Upsala College, Montclair Teachers College, University of Dubuque, and Rutgers University. He and his wife Pat, retired to Hot Springs Village in 1994.
Please join us for coffee and refreshments at 10:00am, followed by the service at 10:30am.
There will be no 9:00am event as this is the fifth Sunday, so we will see you all at 10:00 for coffee and donuts?