“THE BIBLE AND HUMANISM”, is the topic for Sunday’s message at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs. Rev. Bud Hearn explores the Humanistic stream in both Testaments. He reminds us that, “Eclipsed in the Bible is its humanistic stream. Perhaps due to the fact that when the church “raised” Jesus to the “Christ” such overshadowed Jesus as a humanist.
Rev. Dr. Bud Hearn is a retired Presbyterian Minister. Ministry was a second career after thirteen years in public secondary education as a teacher and administrator. Bud chaired and taught in the School of Religion, University of Wyoming; and served as part time staff at the Theological Seminary, University of Dubuque, IA. He currently teaches progressive religious studies classes in Hot Springs Village sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Village Church. Bud holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Upsala College, Montclair Teachers College, University of Dubuque, and Rutgers University. He and his wife Pat, retired to Hot Springs Village in 1994.