The Unitarian Universalist Church of Hot Springs, 100 Norwalk St., invites you join us at 10:30 am, April 28, 2013, to hear members Ann Hair and Dane Thomas share what they learned from the book entitled If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him, by Sheldon Kopp.
Ann explains, “We have never forgotten a list of truths listed at the back of the book, headed: “An Eschatological Laundry List, A Partial Register of the 927 Eternal Truths.” Our service will be built around the insights we gained from reading them as well as a discussion about them with the congregation”.
The Wisdom Seekers book group will meet at 9:00 am to continue the discussion of the book, The Antidote, by Oliver Burkeman, followed by coffee and refreshments at 10:00 am.
A note from Carol:
This was a new word for me, so here’s the dictionary note.